Biografie von Auguste DAUM (1853-1909)

Personal data

Birth : 1853 - Bitche, France
Death : 1909 - Nancy, France
Sex : M
Nationality/Affiliation : France

Family relations

Brother of Antonin DAUM [ 1864-1930 ]

Professional data

Work and Life

1883:Marriage with Jeanne Constantin, they had five children
1883:Foundation of “Daum et fils” together with his father
1879:Took over the manufacture from his father
Worked as notary in Nancy, France
Studied law in Paris
Joined him his brother Antonin after the death of his father (1885), they call themselves now “Daum frères et Cie.” Auguste is responsible for the administration and his brother for the artistic management


Movements and styles

Art Nouveau
Art Deco

Bibliography (Selected)

On the artist



Daum Nancy, Daum Frères-Verreries de Nancy – Glaskunst aus der Zeit 1892-1914
Publisher: Hirmer Verlag – Nymphenburger Straße 84 – Munich, Germany
Author: Büttiker Katharina – Zürich ZH, Switzerland
ISBN : 3-7774-1075-6

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