Biografie von Warren Frank WHEELOCK (1880-1960)

Birth place: Sutton, MA

Death place: Albuquerque, NM

Addresses: NYC; Santa Fe, NM, 1949

Profession: Painter, sculptor, illustrator, craftsperson, teacher, writer

Studied: PIA School

Exhibited: Soc. Indep. Artists, 1921-33, 1936-41; Woodstock, NY, 1925 (solo); Western Mus. Assoc. traveling exhib., 1925; Ehrich Gal., 1927 (solo); Corcoran Gal biennial, 1928; PAFA Ann., 1928-35, 1944-48; An Am. Group, 1932 (solo); WMAA, 1932-47; Musée du Jeu de Paume, Paris, 1938; BM, 1938; MoMA, 1939; CI, 1941; PMA, 1940; Robinson Gal., 1940 (solo); Darmouth College, 1940 (solo); Denver AM, 1941; MMA (AV), 1942; AIC, 1942; Sculptors Gld., annually; Salons of Am. Awards: Pan-Am. Exhib., Los Angeles, 1925 (prize).

Member: Sculptors Gld.; An Am. Group; Am. Artists Congress; Am. Abstract Artists; Soc. Indep. Artists (a founder); Woodstock AA

Work: WMAA; AIC; IBM Collection; Mus. New Mexico; BM; AIC; Los Angeles MA; WMAA; PMA; Corporation of Glasgow, Scotland; Bartlett H.S., Webster, MA.

Comments: Preferred direct carving; worked with geometric shapes to create nonobjective figures. Position: drawing instructor, PIA School, Brooklyn, NY, 1905-10; sculpture instructor, CUA School, New York, NY, 1940-45. Contributor to: American Artist magazine.

Sources: WW59; WW47; Fort, The Figure in American Sculpture, 231 (w/repro.); Woodstock AA; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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