Biografie von Leonard BROOKS (1911-2011)

Birth place: London, England

Addresses: Guanajuato, Mexico

Profession: Painter, writer

Studied: Ont. Col. Art, Toronto.

Exhibited: Can. Artists Abroad, Nat. Gallery Can., 1956; Bienal Interam., Mex., 1958; NYWF, 1959; Fourth Biennial Exhib. Can. Art I, 1961; Roberts Gallery, Toronto, 1970s

Member: Royal Can. Acad. Arts.

Work: Nat. Gallery Can.; Art Gallery Ont.; Worcester Art Mus., Mass.; MOMA, Mex.; Ayala & Samuel J. Zacks Coll., Can.

Comments: Teaching: instr. art, Norther Voc. Sch., Toronto; also guest art prof., various univs. & art schs. Positions: official war artist, Royal Can. Navy, 1942-1945. Auth, Watercolor...a Challenge," 1957, "Painting and Understanding Abstract Art," 1964, "Painter's Workshop," 1969, and "Oil Painting--Basic and New Techniques," 1971, Van Nostrand Reinhold. "

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