Biografie von Benton Murdoch SPRUANCE (1904-1967)

Birth place: Philadelphia, PA

Death place: Phila.

Addresses: Germantown, PA; Phila.

Profession: Lithographer, painter, educator

Studied: Univ. Penn. School FA; PAFA with D. Garber (Cresson traveling scholarship); G. Harding; R. Nuse; A. Lhote in Paris.

Exhibited: many nat. print exhs., 1929-65; Phila. Pr. Club,1929 (prize), 1932 (prize), 1929 (prize), 1941, 1953, 1956; WC Ann., 1937 (prize); WMAA, 1933-45; AIC, 1937-38, 1941; PAFA Ann., 1939-53 (gold medal 1946); Corcoran Gal. biennial, 1941; Laguna Beach AA, 1943, 1944; Audubon Artists, 1947; LOC, 1948; Boston Printmakers, 1949; Phila. Art All., 1951; NAD, 1953, 1957, 1959; Am. Color Pr. Soc., 1954, 1960, 1961; SAGA, 1955, 1962; Calif. Etchers, 1959; Bay PM, 1959; Joslyn Mus. Art , 1954 (retrospective); Mt. Holyoke, 1954 (retrospective); Swarthmore, 1954 (retrospective); Woodmere Art Gal., Phila., 1960; Phila. Sketch Club, 1965 ( Medal for Distinguished Service to Art); Phila. Art All., 1965 (Medal of Achievement). Solos in numerous colleges, universities, galleries & museums nationally, 1954-65. Other awards & medals: Pennell medal, 1937; Eyre medal, 1939; Beck medal, 1946; Guggenheim Fellowship, 1950, 1963; hon. D.F.A., Phila. College of Art, 1962; PAFA Fellowship, 1964

Member: NA; SAGA; Phila. Pr. Club; Phila. Art All.; Am. Artists Congress.

Work: MoMA; WMAA; CI; LOC; NGA; PMA; SAM; PAFA; NYPL; AGA. Murals, Municipal Court Bldg., Phila.; Philadelphia House of Detention Chapel.

Comments: Positions: professor of fine art & chmn., Dept. of FA, Beaver College, Glenside, PA, 1932-60s; director, Graphic Art, Philadelphia College of Art; member, Philadelphia Art Commission.

Sources: WW66; WW40; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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