Biografie von Adolphe BORIE (1877-1934)

Birth place: Phila., PA

Death place: Phila., PA

Addresses: Phila., PA/Paris, France

Profession: Painter

Studied: PAFA; Munich Acad.

Exhibited: PAFA, 1901 (gold), 1904-21, 1925, 1927-35; P-P. Expo., San Fran., 1915 (med.); S.Indp.A., 1917; NAD, 1917 (prize); Corcoran Gal., 1908-32 (1926, 3rd Clark medal); Sesqui-Centenn. Expo., Phila., 1926 (med.); Phila. AC, 1928 (gold); AIC, 1910, 1914, 1917, 1919, 1926-1928 (med.), 1930-32; WMAA, 1932.

Member: ANA, 1917; NA, 1934; AC Phila.; Port. P.; Allied. AA; Phila. New SA.

Work: PAFA; MMA; WMAA; Univ. Pa.; PMA

Comments: Traveled frequently to France. Collected Japanese prints.

Sources: WW33; George Biddle, Adolphe Borie (Wash., DC: American Federation of Arts, 1937); Danly, Light, Air, and Color, 29.

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