Biografie von John BARD (1815-1856)

Birth place: Chelsea, NYC

Death place: Blackwell's Island, NYC

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Marine artist

Work: NYHS; Mariners' Mus., Norfolk, VA; Shelburne (VT) Mus.

Comments: He and his twin brother, James Bard, worked as painting partners, specializing in ship portraits, particularly steamers (see entry on James). About 1850 the collaboration ended. James continued painting on his own but John seems to have abandoned it completely. John disappeared for five years and it has been speculated that he went to California, perhaps to pursue the gold rush. Records indicate that in November of 1855 he was temporarily at the Alms House on NYC's Blackwell's Island. He was admitted again in the summer of 1856 and, after contracting a strep infection, was then transferred to Blackwell Island's Hospital for Incurables where he died. The cause of the split between the two brothers is unknown.

Sources: G&W; Sniffen, James and John Bard." For further references, see note to James Bard; Muller, Paintings and Drawings at the Shelburne Museum,26 (w/repro.)"

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