Biografie von Jordi BONET (1932-1979)

Birth place: Barcelona, Spain

Addresses: Mont St Hilaire, PQ

Profession: Sculptor, muralist

Exhibited: Can. Govt. Exhib., Triennial Milan, Italy, 1968; Nat. Gallery, Ottawa, 1969; Am. Inst. Architects IRAIC Convention, Chicago, 1969; Mus. Rodin, Paris, France, 1970; Exhib. Quebec Pavilion, Expo. 1970, Osaka, Japan, 1970. Awards: drawing award, Spring Salon, Montreal Mus. Fine Arts, 1959; sculpture award, Abramowitz Chap. of Hadassah, 1963 & 1965; allied arts medal, Royal Archit. Inst. Can., 1965.

Member: Royal Can. Acad. Arts; Assn. Prof. Artists Quebec; Art Guild Quebec.

Work: Exterior sculpted mural, Orthogenic Sch., Univ. Chicago; sculpted ceramic mural, Queen's Park Bldg., Toronto; cast aluminum doors, Nat. Art Ctr., Ottawa; five cast aluminum sculptures, Expo. 1967, Place des Nations, Montreal; sculpted cement walls, Grand Theatre Quebec. Commissions: ceramic mural, Trade Bank & Trust Co., NYC, 63 cast aluminum mural, Charleston Nat Bank, WVa., 1966; sculptured aluminum mural, Pac. Gas & Elec. Co., San Fran., Calif., 1971; ceramic mural, Zale Corp., Dallas, Tex., 1971; ceramic mural, Continental Bank, Chicago, Ill., 1972.

Comments: Preferred media: cast aluminum, fired clay, cement, plastic.

Sources: WW73; J. Folch-Ribas, The sign and the earth (1964); Guy Robert, L'infinie a remplir (1971); Paul Vezina, Jordi Bonet," Film Off., Quebec, 1972."

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