Biografie von Lucien ABRAMS (1870-1941)

Birth place: Lawrence, KS

Death place: New Haven, CT

Addresses: Paris, 1899; Old Lyme, CT, 1915-41

Profession: Painter

Studied: Princeton, 1896; ASL; Académie Julian, Paris, with Laurens, Constant, Collin, 1894-95; also with Whistler in Paris; independent study during travels in Europe (Belgium, Provence, Brittany, Southern France, Italy and Spain); 1905-06, Algeria.

Exhibited: AIC, 1899; SNBA, 1899; Salon d'Automne, Paris, 1902-14; Salon des Indépendants, 1902-14; Lyme AA, annually, 1915-1930s; Pabst Gal., San Antonio (prize); Durand-Ruel Gal., NY; A.M. Adler FA, NYC, 1978

Member: Lyme AA; San Antonio AA; AFA; Princeton Club

Work: Dallas Mus. FA

Sources: WW40; Connecticut and American Impressionism 151 (w/repro.); Fink, American Art at the Nineteenth-Century Paris Salons.

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