Biografie von John William HILTON (1904-1983)

Birth place: Carrington, ND

Addresses: Lahaina Maui, HI; Twentynine Palms, CA in 1976

Profession: Painter, illustrator

Studied: Maynard Dixon, Clyde Forsythe & Nicolai Fechin; Int. Inst. Arts & Letters fellowship; Am. Inst. Fine Arts fellowship.

Exhibited: Grand Central Galleries, NYC & Desert Southwest Galleries, Palm Desert, CA., 1970s. Hundreds of group & solo shows in US & abroad, 1935-72.

Member: Grand Central Art Gallery; Salmagundi Cl.; Laguna Beach Art Assn. (life mem.); Lahaina Art Assn.; Twentynine Palms Artists Guild (pres., 1952-55; life mem.).

Work: US Air Force; Tokyo City Hall; Arizona Botanical Gardens, Phoenix; Mus. New Mexico; Desert Southwest Art Gallery, Palm Desert, CA; La Verne Col; Nat. Park Visitor Centers; San Diego Mus. Nat. History; Palm Springs Desert Mus. Commissions: murals, Desert Southwest Gallery, 1937 & Saddleback Western Gallery, Santa Ana, CA, 1962; diorama, Living Desert Reserve, Palm Desert, CA, 1972.

Comments: Hilton began painting in the 1930s. Preferred media: oils, wax. Publications: auth./illus., What Makes the Jumping Bean Jump," Saturday Evening Post, 1942; auth./illus., Sonora Sketchbook, Macmillan, 1947; "This Is My Desert," Arizona Highways, 1964; "Hilton Paints the Desert," Desert Magazine; plus many articles.

Sources: WW73; Dave Packwood," An Artist Looks at Baja California," Westways (March, 1956); Mason Sutherland, "California Escape to the Desert," National Geographic, 1957; Ed. Ainsworth, Painters of the Desert (Desert Mag., Publisher, 1960). "

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