Biografie von Frank Harmon MYERS (1899-1956)

Birth place: Cleves, OH

Death place: Pacific Grove, CA

Addresses: Cincinnati, OH; Pacific Grove, CA

Profession: Marine and landscape painter, muralist, teacher

Studied: probably his mother, an amateur artist; Cincinnati Art Acad. with Duveneck, H. Wessel, J.E. Weiss, 1917; PAFA summer school with Garber, Breckenridge, Pearson, 1920, 1924; Am. Sch. at Fontainebleau, France, with Despujols, Gourguet, 1923.

Exhibited: Closson's Gal., Cincinnati, 1921-44; PAFA Ann., 1926; S. Indp. A., 1929, 1931; Vose Gal., Boston, 1937; Carmel AA, 1943-53; Oakland AM, 1953 (silver med.); Cincinnati Art Acad., 1988 (retrospective)

Member: Cincinnati AC; Carmel AA (bd. dir.); Cincinnati Assn. Prof. Artists; PAFA, 1928; CM, 1923-40; Chicago Gal. Assn.

Work: mural, Children's Hospital, Cincinnati; landscape, Cincinnati Women's Club; Univ. Cincinnati; Hughes H.S., Cincinnati; Miami Univ., OH; Mus. New Mexico

Comments: He visited the Monterey Peninsula for the first time in 1926; painted in Provincetown, 1927; Cape Ann, 1931; Santa Fe, 1932-33; Rockport, 1937; finally settling in Pacific Grove, Monterey Penninsula, in 1940. Thereafter, he painted mostly ocean scenes. Teaching: Art Acad. Cincinnati, 1921-41; Univ. Cincinnati.

Sources: WW47; Hughes, Artists of California, 396; Samuels, 340; Richard Boyle, exh. cat., Once by the Pacific (Art Acad. Cincinnati, 1988); Falk, Exhibition Record Series

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