Biografie von Albert Shelton PENNOYER (1888-1957)

Birth place: Oakland CA

Death place: Madrid, Spain.

Addresses: California; NYC; Europe; Litchfield, CT

Profession: Painter, writer

Studied: Univ. Calif; Ecole des Beaux-Arts; Grande Chaumiere; H. Speed, in London; N. Los, at PAFA; Académie Julian, Paris, 1914; also with L. Simon and R. Ménard in Paris; with G. Casciaro and Carlandi in Rome, Italy.

Exhibited: AIC; NAD; AWCS; Pan-Pac Expo, San Fra.,1915; Corcoran Gal biennial, 1923; Salons of Am., 1924, 1934

Member: AFA; San Francisco AA; AWCS; Century Assn.; NAC; Allied Artist of America; AAPL; Oakland AA; Kent (Conn.) AA.

Work: Oakland Mus.; Henry Ford Mus., Dearborn, MI; CPLH; de Young Mus.; Santa Barbara Mus.;Smithonian Inst.; U.S. Militiary Academy, West Point; MMA

Comments: Author: This Was California, 1938, and Locomotives in Our Lives, 1954.

Sources: WW47; Hughes, Artists of California, 432.

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