Biografie von Charles Frederick KIMBALL (1835-1907)

Birth place: Monmouth, ME

Addresses: Portland, ME

Profession: Landscape painter and etcher

Studied: briefly with Charles Octavius Cole, c.1857.

Exhibited: Boston AC, 1880-85; NAD, 1883.

Member: Portland Soc. Artists (founder); Brushians (Me., early group)

Work: Portland Mus. A., Portland, Me.

Comments: Kimball moved to Portland, ME around1843 and spent most of his life there. He received acclaim for his etchings by 1881. Specialized in landscapes done in the Barbizon manner. His nickname in the Brushians group was The Old Master."

Sources: G&W; American Art Review, II (1881), Part I, 244; Thieme-Becker; Mallett; Cowdrey, NAD; Naylor, NAD. "Maine Artists" gives place and date of birth as Bowdowin (Me.), 1836. More recently, see Gerdts, Art Across America, Vol. 1, 19-20, with repro; Casazza, The Brushians, 3-5, gives his birth date as 1832."

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