Biografie von Robert KIPNISS (1931)

Birth place: NYC

Addresses: Great Neck, NY

Profession: Painter

Studied: ASL; Wittenberg Col.; Univ. Iowa (B.A. & M.F.A.)

Exhibited: Butler Inst. Am. Art Ann., 1953; Am. Fedn. Arts Traveling Show, 1963-65; Allen R. Hite Inst., Univ. Louisville, Ky., 1965 (solo); Recent Acquisitions, WMAA, 1972; Merrill Chase Gals., Chicago, IL,1970s; FAR Gal., NYC, 1970s Awards: purchase prize, Ohio Univ., 1965.

Work: WMAA; NYPL; Ohio Univ., Athens; Univ. Iowa, Iowa City.

Comments: Preferred media: oils. Publications: illusr., Poems of Emily Dickinson, Thomas Y. Crowell, 1964; illusr., Collected poems of Robert Graves (Anchor Doubleday, 1966)

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