Biografie von Louis RITTER (1854-1892)

Birth place: Cincinnati, OH

Addresses: Cincinnati; Boston

Profession: Landscape painter, lithographer

Studied: McMicken Sch. Design, 1873-74; Florence with Duveneck; Paris with Lefebvre, Boulanger

Exhibited: Acad. Munich, 1878 (silver med.); Boston AC, 1884; Paris Salon, 1887; St. Botolph Club, 1890; Louis Ritter's Studio Exh., 1890; NAD, 1891; Cincinnati Art Mus., 1904

Work: Cincinnati Art Mus.

Comments: One of the Duveneck Boys."

Sources: Cincinnati Painters of the Golden Age, 97-100 (w/illus.). Fink, Am. Art at the 19th c. Paris Salons, 384; The Boston AC.

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