Biografie von Emory P. SEIDEL (1881-1954)

Birth place: Baltimore, MD

Addresses: River Forest, Chicago, IL

Profession: Sculptor, lecturer

Studied: E Keyser; W.J. Reynolds.

Exhibited: AIC, 1913-41; PAFA Ann., 1915, 1919-20, 1927-29; Chicago Assn. PS, 1937 (prize).

Member: Palette and Chisel Acad. FA; Assn. of Chicago PS; Cliff Dwellers; Austin, Oak Park and River Forest AL; Chicago Gal. Assn.

Work: fountain, Freeport (Ill.); mem., Chicago; bridge, Aurora (Ill.)

Sources: WW40; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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