Biografie von William H. MACHEN (1832-1911)

Birth place: Arnheim, Holland

Death place: Wash., DC

Addresses: Cleveland, OH, 1847; Toledo, OH, 1848; Detroit, MI, 1881; Wash., DC, 1894

Profession: Painter, teacher

Exhibited: Centennial Expo., Phila., PA, 1876; PAFA Ann., 1876; Detroit Mus. of Art, 1883, 1886, 1890; MI State Fair, 1884-87; Detroit Artists' Assoc., 1886

Work: Detroit Hist. Mus.; Western Reserve Hist. Soc. Commissions: portraits of Cardinal Gibbons, Sir George Williams (founder of intl. YMCA)

Comments: Settled in U.S. in 1847. In 1865, he was a finalist in a competition to design a monument for the assassinated President Lincoln. Instructor: Detroit Col.; Sacred Heart Convent, Grosse Point.

Sources: McMahan, Artists of Washington, D.C.; Gibson, Artists of Early Michigan, 165; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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