Biografie von Hendricks A. HALLETT (1847-1921)

Birth place: Charlestown, MA

Addresses: Boston, MA

Profession: Painter, marine painter

Studied: Antwerp; Paris.

Exhibited: Boston AC, 1877-1909; Mass. Charitable Mechanics Assn., 1881, 1892 (bronze med.), 1895; PAFA, 1883, 1890, 1892; J. Eastman Chase Gal., Boston, 1886 (solo); Williams & Everett's Gal., Boston, 1888; AIC; Jordan Marsh Gal., 1894-97; Poland Spring (ME) AG annuals, 1892, 1898 (shows photo of Hallett), 1902-03, 1905-06, 1909-15.

Member: Boston AC; Boston SWCP (exhibitions held at BAC)

Work: Brocton Pub. Lib.; Mystic Seaport Mus.

Comments: Known for his paintings of ships, notable marine events, and seascapes. Many of his shorescapes are of Boston Harbor and Mt. Desert, ME. He married Florence in 1872, and around 1874 they spent eighteen months studying art in Europe. They returned to Boston, where they remained. He occasionally painted inland landscapes, in Mass. and New Hampshire and had a studio at Fenway Studios, 1907-18.

Sources: WW19; obit: Boston Evening Transcript 17 Mar. 1921; Some Boston Artists," Art Interchange, Sept. 1900; Vose Galleries, Mary Bradish Titcomb and Her Contemporaries, 43; Brewington, 171; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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