Biografie von Alfred FULLER (1899-1980)

Birth place: Deerfield, MA

Death place: Monhegan Island, ME

Addresses: La Jolla, CA; Port Clyde, ME; Monhegan Island, ME

Profession: Painter, teacher, lithographer

Studied: M. de Gogorza; R. C. Colman; Amherst College (A.B.)

Exhibited: New Haven PPC; VMFA; Gloucester SA; NAD, 1945, 1946; AWS, 1939-1946; Washington WC Club, annually; Allied A. Am.; MMA, 1944; PAFA; Grand Central Gal.; Kent AA; Washington AA; Kennedy Gal.; Robinson Gal.; Moyer Gal., Hartford, CT; Soc. Four A., Palm Beach, FL. Awards: prize, Washington (CT) AA.

Member: Laguna Beach AA; La Jolla AA; SC; Allied Artists Am.; Southern Printmakers

Comments: Although he worked as an engineer after graduating from Amherst College, he continued to paint, and taught during the summers at Monhegan Island, ME.

Sources: WW59; WW47; Curtis, Curtis, and Lieberman, 182.

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