Biografie von George Edwin BISSELL (1839-1920)

Birth place: New Preston, CT

Death place: Mount Vernon, NY

Addresses: New Preston, CT, 1839-75; Europe, 1875-77; Mount Vernon, NY, 1896-1920

Profession: Sculptor

Studied: Studied sculpture after the Civil War; English Acad., Rome, 1876; Arts Decoratif, Paris, 1883-84.

Exhibited: Paris Salon, 1889, 1896; Paris Expo, 1900 (prize); St. Louis Expo, 1904 (med).

Member: NSS, 1893; Arch. Lg., 1899; Mt. Vernon Municipal AS.

Work: NYHS; MMA; Waterbury, Conn.; Ayr, Scotland; Edinburgh, Scotland; Phila.; Hoboken, N.J.; Fultonville, N.Y.; Saratoga, N.Y.;

Comments: The son of a stonecutter, Bissell began working with his father in the marble business after the Civil War. He went to study in Europe in 1875, after filling several commissions in Poughkeepsie (NY). Thereafter he split his time between America and Europe. Studio in Paris (six years); studio in Florence (four years).

Sources: G&W; WW19; Craven, Sculpture in America, 243-45; NYHS Catalogue (1974), cat. nos. 492, 497, 498, 512; DAB; Mallett; Fink, American Art at the Nineteenth-Century Paris Salons, 321

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