Biografie von Christine S. BREDIN (XIX-XX)

Birth place: Butler, PA.

Addresses: Cinci., OH, while studying and on return from Europe; Franklin, PA, 1896; NYC; Phila., PA, 1933

Profession: Painter, illustrator, teacher

Studied: Cincinnati A. Acad.; Acad. Colarossi, Paris; Carl Marr, Munich; Holland (all before 1895)

Exhibited: Atlanta Expo, 1885 (medal for This Little Pig Went to Market")"

Member: AI Graphic Arts; Plastic Cl.

Comments: She specialized in sentimental domestic and genre scenes; illustrated children's stories. While living in Cincinnati, she shared a studio with painter Annie Sykes in 1895 (Bredin moved to Pennsylvania the following year). She later established a studio in NYC. Bredin was the sister of Rae Sloan Bredin.

Sources: WW33; PHF files; Rubinstein, American Women Artists, 163 (has name misspelled Bredon); Mary A. Burroughs, Miss Christine S. Bredin," The Young Ladies Magazine.

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