Biografie von Theodore KAUTZKY (1896-1953)

Birth place: Budapest, Hungary

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Painter

Studied: Royal Univ., Hungary (arch.)

Exhibited: AWCS, 1933, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1941(med.); NYWCC, 1934, 1936, 1937; Argent Gal., NYC, 1938. Awards: Birch Burdette Long Prize, 1937; Salmagundi Lay Member prize in oil, 1944.

Member: SC; AWCS; Philadelphia WCC; North Shore AA; Rockport AA.

Comments: Position: teacher, Pratt Inst. Auth., Pencil Broadsides. Illus., national magazines.

Sources: WW53; WW47; Artists of the Rockport Art Association (1946).

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