Biografie von Bert POOLE (1853-1939)

Birth place: North Bridgewater (now Brockton), MA

Death place: Massachussetts

Addresses: Lived in Massachssetts all his life and maintained a studio on Monhegan Island

Profession: Landscape painter, sketch artist, lithograper, printer, illustrator, writer

Studied: T. Juglaris, in Boston.

Exhibited: Boston AC, 1896-1906; PAFA Ann., 1912

Member: Quincy AL; Am. APL.

Work: Boston Pub. Lib.; City Hall, Boston; City Hall, Cambridge, Mass.; Monhegan Mus.; Maine Historic Preservation Commission, Augusta, Me.

Comments: He worked as a clerk and then as a school principal but decided on an artistic career by 1880. His first city view was a lithograph of Bar Harbor, ME, printed in 1880 by J.J. Stoner (see entry). After a brief partnership in 1883 with George Norris (see entry), who seems to have served as business agent while Poole did the sketches and drawings, he published his own (lithographic) work, mainly panoramic views of Massachussetts. He sometimes signed his name as Bert" Poole. From 1905-19 he was listed in the Boston Directories as "bird's eye view specialist." He also made many drawings of Monhegan Island.

Sources: WW33; Reps, 199-200 (pl.4); Curtis, Curtis, and Lieberman, Monhegan: The Artist's Island, 19, 29, 31, 146, 185; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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