Biografie von Jacob GLUSHAKOW (1914-2000)

Addresses: Baltimore, MD

Profession: Painter

Studied: ASL with Kenneth Hayes Miller, Alexander Brook, Charles Locke.

Exhibited: NGA, 1942; BMA, 1937-42, 1939 (prize), 1946 (prize),1948-52; VFMA, 1948; NAD, 1949, 1950; Corcoran Gal., 1947, 1951, 1953; St. John's College, Annapolis, MD, 1951 (solo); Peale Mus. Art, annually (prizes, 1949, 1951); Western Maryland College, Westminster, MD, 1955 (solo). Awards: Tiffany Fad. grant, 1949.

Member: Artists Union Baltimore.

Work: Balt. Friends of Art Collection; BMA; PMG.

Comments: Teaching: painting & drawing, Jewish Community Center, Baltimore, MD.

Sources: WW59; WW47.

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