Biografie von Ilah Marian KIBBEY (1883-1958)

Birth place: Geneva, OH

Addresses: Kansas City 2, MO

Profession: Painter, illustrator, designer, etcher

Studied: N.Y. Sch. F. & Appl. A.; AIC; & with Hugh Breckenridge, Eliot O'Hara; C. Wilimovsky; H.B. Snell; L. Stevens; Kansas City AI.

Exhibited: Kansas City AI, 1921 (prize), 1923 (prize), 1933 (gold); PAFA Ann., 1924; Midwestern AA, 1927 (med); Salons of Am., 1924; S. Indp. A., 1924; Gld. A., 1932 (prize); Kansas City SA, 1935 (prize); Midland Theatre, Kansas City, 1928 (prize); Missouri State Fair, 1928 (prize).

Member: Mid-Am. A.; NAWPS; Prairie WCC; Kansas City SA.

Work: H.S., Kansas City, M.; Missouri State Bldg., Sedalia; Northwest Normal Sch., Maryville, MO; Vanderpoel Coll.; Lib.Cong.; Midland Theatre; Public Lib., Argentine.

Sources: WW53; WW47; Falk, Exh. Record Series.

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