Biografie von Benjamin Jorj HARRIS (1904-1957)

Birth place: Albany, GA

Addresses: New Rochelle, NY

Profession: Illustrator, cartoonist

Member: New Rochelle AA.

Comments: He and his wife, Georgette, were experts in the airbrush technique. She signed her work "Jorj," and the signature "Ben Jorj Harris" probably refers to their collaborative efforts, for in 1948 they wrote the book, Airbrush Illustration together under that name. Other works illustrated: Riding the Air (1943); The Adventures of Tommy Teaberry (1945); Music and Man (1948). Contributor to national magazines, covers, cartoons, illustrations, national advertising campaigns.

Sources: WW53; WW47; Hal Glatzer, "Seen but not Heard, Artists Helped Sell the Songs" in New York Times (Aug. 23, 1998, p.30)

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