Biografie von Alice BABER (1928-1982)

Birth place: Charleston, IL

Addresses: NYC

Profession: Painter

Studied: Indiana Univ, BA, grad. sch.; also in Fontainebleau, France.

Exhibited: Deuxième Biennale Paris, France, 1961; Modern American Painting, US Info. Serv., Am. Embassy, London, Eng. & Edinburgh, Scotland, 1961-1962; Third Kent State Univ. Invitational, Ohio, 1968; group show, Eisenstadt Schloss, Austria, 1969; Trends in 20th Century Art, Univ. Cal., Santa Barbara, 1970; Sachs Gallery, NYC, 1970s.

Work: CGA; SFMA; Nat. Collection Fine Arts, Washington, DC; Nat. Mus. of Israel; Peter Stuyvesant (Turmac) Collection, Holland.

Comments: Preferred media: oils, watercolors. Teaching: Vis. artist, Univ. Minn., 1970-1971; vis. artist, Univ. Cal., Santa Barbara, 1971; vis. artist, State Univ. NY Col., Purchase, 1972-1973.

Sources: WW73; James Jones, Alice Baber and the tragedy of light (Studio Int., Sep.1965); Dorothy Beskind (producer), Alice Baber at work (film, 1970); James Mellow, Today's Series Lineup," New York Times, April 11, 1971, reprint, Art Int., spring 1971."

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