Biografie von Arthur ATKINS (1873-1899)

Birth place: Queens Ferry, England

Death place: Piedmont, CA

Addresses: San Francisco, CA

Profession: Landscape painter

Studied: briefly, School of Design, San Francisco

Exhibited: Mark Hopkins, 1896, 1897; San Francisco (memorial exh.), 1900, 1905, 1910; GGE, 1939 (California art retrospective)

Work: Oakland Mus.

Comments: Basically a self-taught artist, he worked steadily after his first show and had the means to take a painting trip to Wales, England and the South of France. He died the year after his return. A studio fire destroyed many of his paintings in the 1890s and more were lost in the earthquake of 1906 so that examples of his work are very rare.

Sources: Hughes, Artists of California, 25.

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